Saturday, October 22, 2011


Well, up here in new England the advent of the holiday season begins with Halloween. each year my friend lala and her sis throw a great Halloween party. This year was no exception Princess pie got gussied up and off we went. I got a few pics so cute!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Ok this was really cute mom signed Princesspie up for Ballet camp. So for one week from 9am to 11:30 she attended camp. They really worked those little muffins hard she was wiped out and resumed taking naps. Attending that ballet camp was a lot like taking a tubby difficult to get the child to go and difficult to get the child to leave. On the last day to get her to go I had to bribe her with wearing her tinkerbell dress and when I came to see the little show she kept calling out I want to leave Besta just a little embarrassing but some how still quite endearing.

Friday, July 15, 2011


Pa the ever ready shutterbug was able to take some additional pix of the party. These were the cutest ones!!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


There was a time when I was,at least in my opinion,the hostess with the mostess. Perhaps I have just gotten old. It used to be when I set a time everything was ready and I could be gracious,welcoming and unhurried. WHAT HAPPENED!!! I have no idea. This year for Princesspie's 4th birthday I took a week of vacation both before and after but nothing worked as intended. First and foremost Chantmeister couldn't get out of working some irritating mandatory thing. I had purchased a couple paper iridescent tablecloths that I had intended to use as the canopy of my sun shelter but too small so the old canvas canopy was used effective but not festive. I tried to make an amazing cake in the shape of Rapunzel's tower but it collapsed upon itself I stayed up till 3am trying to resuscitate this unfortunate confection all to no avail. So as a result I ended up having to go buy a sheet cake lovely but not impressive. I spent the better part of the week trying to find the ever elusive Ink jet printer shrink film because there were these great Tangled shrinky dinks I had downloaded from Disney 2 days before the party I found it and went home and made a bunch of these little suckers so the little princesses and knights could make some crafts with them unfortunately during the shrinking process the holes into which you put the jump rings, so little ones can string them easily, became too small for the jump rings and last but not least I bought 24 balloons three of which popped before I even got them home and the other 21 were so hopelessly tangled none of the kiddos could have any of them. Once the party was over the entire bunch was given to a delightful girl who accompanied her little brother. Well hat was a tiresome list of things that ran amok.
Now to get to the good parts.
The theme of the party was Tangled a recent Disney movie and to entertain the munchkins I thought that it would be great fun for all the little girls to get princess dresses and crowns and all the little boys swords shields ans suits of armor OMG OMG !!! It was sooooo cute !!! Not all the kiddos knew each other for the first hour they just ran around the yard playing and getting to know each other. After an hour or so they were all invited to come and play dress up the little girls put on their dresses and crowns and pranced around for a few minutes all the little boys had these felt gladiator hats and I made chest plates out of craft foam for there suits of armor. After a few minutes the girls realised they did not have weapons like the boys did and as such were unarmed. A couple of them were able "obtain" some as a couple of boys were really good at sharing. The ever balanced princesspie was seen bolting about the yard in a princess gown and armed with a sword and shield there was little or no real fighting the kiddos really played hard and got on really well.
Everyone was very generous and the gifts were very thoughtful.
Ma and Pa Kettle came this year at my insistence One of the really fun parts of this was three little knights attacking Pa him fending them off and them regrouping and back on the attack I couldn't tell who enjoyed it more Pa or the kiddos it was all in fun and no "accidentally" too hard attacks when pa did finally say enough all the kiddos found new dragons to conquer I had some difficulty with my camera so I only got a couple of pictures but they are included

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Christmas 2010

Well here are the best pictures I got for Christmas this year. Some of them are sweet and as always princess pie is adorable. I really love the one with Princesspie and ma Kettle. We started a new tradition this year. Normally we have a traditional Norwegian Christmas. We celebrate on Christmas eve, have a big dinner and fabulous traditional desserts and we are done and can relax on Christmas Day. This year So that PP would continue to believe in Santa, we put a couple of gifts under the tree Christmas morning and her mom put some lipstick on a ball and stuck it to Princesspie's cheek While she was still sleeping. She got up at 5ish and ma Kettle was already up. ma Kettle looks at PP and says what is on your face? I think one of Santa's Reindeer kissed you while Santa was delivering your gifts. Well that was it Princess pie was over the moon In the mirror looking at her kiss then to the window calling Rudolf to return so she could kiss him back. It really made everyone's Christmas

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thanksgiving 2010

We had a lovely holiday. The kettles came out to join us for dinner Princess pie was so excited. The dinner was delicious and as is the tradition of Turkey day we all ate too much. We really only use the dining room for holidays. I think that that makes it festive. My dad, Pa Kettle, is a very even keel kind of guy and not prone to show emotion. However, when I showed him how I had made over the dining room, he looked around the room and gushed, yes I said GUSHED, WOW! This is GREAT!!! The dining room is my second favorite room. After princess pie's bedroom.