Monday, January 2, 2012


Christmas was really mellow this year so laid back. Princess pie didn't really want much all she asked for was a table and chairs for her dollies and she reluctantly mentioned that only a couple of days before Christmas. So the hunt was on I found all kinds of stuff but no table and chairs sets. Of course, I could have gone out Natic to the official AG store but it takes half a day round trip and they are uber expensive the event would have been over $150 in time gas and cash. So I went to the unfinished furniture place, near my former home, where I had obtained this item for Princesspie's mom when she was little. They stopped making them years ago so I started poking around the store looking for items to use to put together something to make my little muffin happy. Well the exceptionally kind woodworker man offered to custom make a proper table and chairs for $30 to be ready on the 24th!! He made this offer on the afternoon of the 23rd a perfect little Christmas miracle just for Princesspie.

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